Frenship Youth Basketball Rules


The Official Basketball Rules as adopted by Frenship Youth Basketball and will be played according to the rules of UIL games in the Frenship Independent School District and the State of Texas except as changed by the following rules:


I.                    The Board of Directors will contact the coach and parents of any player that drops out of the program at any time during the season. A coach who discovers that a player has left the team must immediately notify the Board, indicating when and why the player left. The Board will verify the player’s reason for leaving.

II.                 Grades will be grouped to form leagues.

A.     1st with 2nd, 3rd with 4th, 5th with 6th, and 7th with 8th will be the grade combinations for the leagues.

B.     Players within grade combinations will be randomly assigned to leagues.

C.     Players will play in the group determined by their grade assignment in school at the time they sign-up for a season of play.

III.               Official team rosters will be composed of a minimum of eight (8) players.

A.     Players will be assigned to a team utilizing a tryout/draft procedure.

B.     Prior to the beginning of play, a player may be added to a team when necessary, from a waiting list. Once play begins, players may not be replaced to fill openings in an eight (8) player roster.

IV.               Coaches’ pre-game responsibilities

A.     No more than two (2) coaches will be allowed on a team’s bench during a game.

B.     Each coach must have his roster recorded in the scorebook prior to the scheduled start time of the game.

C.     Each coach must provide either an adult scorekeeper or an adult timekeeper.

D.     Either team may provide both adults if a team does not have an available adult.

V.                 A uniform shirt will be provided by FYB.

A.     Shirts will be numbered 0 through 9 for each team.

B.     Each player on each team is required to wear the uniform shirt provided by FYB.

C.     The shirt will have a number on the back and the FYB logo on the front of the shirt.

D.     Names may be added across the upper back area above the back number.

E.      Defaced shirts, shirts without sleeves or neckbands removed or modified are not and will not be acceptable for any and all games.

F.      A player may not participate in games until an unacceptable or lost shirt is replaced.

G.     Replacement of lost or non-compliant shirts will be at the expense of the player, parent, or coach.

H.     A player whose shirt has been lost or whose shirt is unacceptable for games may not use another player’s shirts under any circumstance.

I.        All shirts must be tucked in.

VI.               Length of games.

A.     1st – 2nd Grade Boys and Girls will consist of four, 8-minute running clock quarters.

B.      3rd-6th Grade Boys’ & 3rd-4th Grade Girls’ Games will consist of four, six-minute quarters, no running clock.

C.     7th-8th Grade Boys will play four, six-minute quarters.

D.     5th-8th Grade Girls’ Games will consist of four 8-minute running clock quarters.

E.      There will be one minute between quarters, and when necessary, between overtime periods. There will be two minutes between the halves.

F.      The clock will stop during shooting fouls, time outs and the last minute of the 4th quarter.

G.     Overtime periods will be two minutes. 

H.     If a game is tied at the end of the first overtime period, the game will be determined to be a tie game. (1st-6th grade only)

I.        7th & 8th will play additional overtime until a winner is declared.

J.       There will be a running clock if the score is 20 points or more. The clock will return to normal if the lead is less than 20 points.

K.      In the tournament if a game is tied the teams will continue to play two, two-minutes overtime periods. If at the end of the second overtime period a game is tied, then there will be a third overtime and continue until a winner is declared.

VII.             FYB Basketball sizes and Goal Height

A.     Grades 1st-4th girls, 27 ½ inch regulation size ball (junior’s size ball)

B.     Grades 1st-2nd boys, 27 ½ inch regulation size ball (junior’s size ball)

C.     Grades 3rd-4th boys, 27 ½ inch regulation size ball (junior’s size ball)

D.     Grades 5th and 6th boys and girls, 28 ½ inch regulation size ball (women’s size ball)

E.      Grades 7th and 8th Boys 29 ½ inch regulation size ball

F.      Grades 7th through 8th Girls 28 ½ inch regulation size ball (women’s size ball)

G.     1st-2nd Grades only goal height will be 8 ½ feet.

H.   3rd-8th Grades goals are 10 feet.

VIII.           Free throws and three-point shots

A.     1st-4th grade leagues, all free throws will be taken from two (2) feet in front of the regulation free throw.

B.     5th through 8th grade leagues, all free throws will be taken from the regulation free throw.

C.     Three-point shots will be recognized and recorded.

D.       Teams will shoot two free throws for common fouls when in the “bonus.” teams will reach the bonus when their opponent commits five fouls in each quarter and team fouls will reset at the end of each quarter.


IX.               Full court press defense

A.     1st-2nd grade league's court press will be allowed only during the last one minute of the game by either or both teams

B.    3rd-4th grade league's court press will be allowed only during the last two minutes of the game by either or both teams

C.     5th through 8th grades will be allowed to press during the entire game unless they are ahead by 20 points.

D.     A team may not use a full court press defense if they are ahead in the score by 20 points or more.

X.                 Half-court defense

a.      Man to man or zone defense

b.      1st-4th Grade No trapping at half-court

c.      1st-4th Grade Half-Court trapping of any style is not allowed in any zone or man to man defense.

XI.               Player requirements for a game.

A.     Five players are required to begin a game.

B.     Two players are required to continue a game.

C.     When a team is unable to continue due to a lack of players the game will be stopped, and the opposing team will be declared the winner. The score in the book when the game is stopped will be declared the official game score.

XII.             Game starting time.

A.     The official starting time for the first game will be published in the game schedule

B.     Official starting times for second and third games will be either five minutes after the end of the preceding game or the scheduled game time whichever is later.

C.     A team not ready to play by five minutes after starting time should be assessed a technical foul to begin the game.

D.     If a team does not have at least five players present by five minutes after starting time, the official should declare the game a forfeit unless the opposing team wants to continue to play. 

XIII.           Protest of FYB games.

A.     Judgment of the officials is not grounds for a protest.

B.     Protest must be made in writing within 24 hours of the published start time of the game in question.

C.     Protest must be submitted to the commissioner of your league.

XIV.           Player’s required playing time.

A.     All Players are required to play two uninterrupted quarters of each game.

B.     A player is required to play a complete quarter the first and third quarter when he/she enters the game. THERE ARE NO SUBSTITIONS ALLOWED IN THE 1ST and 3RD QUARTER. (1st-6th ONLY)

C.     A player is required to play a complete quarter the first quarter when he/she enters the game. (7th-8th ONLY)

D.     A player is required to play one complete quarter of each half.

E.      Absent, ill, or disqualified players.

1.      A player removed from the game due to illness or injury will be considered to have satisfied his/her required playing time for the half.

2.      An ill or injured player from the first half, who recovers, must play his/her required quarter in the half.

3.      A player that is disqualified may no longer participate in a game and will be considered to have fulfilled his/her required playing time for the game.

4.      Replacements of players are designated by the team’s coach.

F.      Players arriving late for a game.

1.       May play at the option of the team coach.

2.       May not enter a quarter in progress.

3.       Must play one full quarter the first time they enter a game.

4.       May play in the second half if they arrive too late for the first half. (Subject to E-1-2-3)

5.       Must not play in a game if the fourth quarter or overtime has started.

XV.             Overtime playing time requirements

A.     No player(s) is required play in any overtime period.

B.     Coaches may make substitutions at any time.

XVI.           The following flagrant fouls, whether personal or technical, is unacceptable conduct for participation in FYB.

A.     Disrespectfully addressing or contacting a game official.

B.     Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

C.     Baiting or any form of taunting, which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances, including on the basis of race, religion gender or national origin.

D.     Fighting

1.      Any attempt to strike, punch, and/or kick an opponent with a fist, hands, arms, legs, feet, or an object regardless if contact is made,

2.      Any attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsportsmanlike act toward an opponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting.

3.      Committing an unsportsmanlike act toward an opponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting.

E.      Penalties

1.      The first flagrant foul committed by a player

a.      Disqualification of a player for the remainder of the current game and leave the immediate bench area.

b.      Suspension of the player for the team’s next game.

2.      The second flagrant foul committed by a player during the same season.

a.      Disqualification of the player for participation in FYB.

b.      Failure to leave the immediate bench area may be considered second flagrant foul.

c.      Appeals to reconsider the disqualification must be submitted in writing to the league commissioner within 24 hours.

3.      Reinstatement of the player to the FYB program will be subject to FYB Board of Directors approval of a written request from the player and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).

XVII.         Conduct of players, coaches, or parents.

A.     Any activity either verbal or physical or of a disrespectful, hostile, or taunting nature which may be interpreted as intending to embarrass, intimidate, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances (including on the basis of race, religion, gender or national origin) by a player, coach or parent; before, during, or after a game; addressing or directed at or to another player, coach, parent, board member, or game official may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.

B.     Players, parents, or coach complaints concerning the program or game officials conduct FYB games.

1.      Neither should complain to the game officials about the conduct of FYB games.

2.      Coaches should make their complaints to FYB.

3.      The player or parents should make their complaint to their coach or to FYB.

C.     The offending person may face disciplinary action by the FYB Board of Directors.

1.      Action may be directed toward the player.

2.      Action may be directed toward the coach.

3.      Action may be directed toward the parent(s)/guardian(s).

4.      Action may be directed toward the player and the parent (s)/ guardian(s).

D.     Possible penalties

1.      Single game suspensions for players or coaches.

2.      Multiple game suspensions for players or coaches.

3.      Disqualification for players as under Rule XV-E-2-a

4.      Banning a coach from participation in FYB.

5.      Banning a parent(s)/guardian(s) from a game.

6.      Banning a parent(s)/guardian(s) from multiple games.

7.      Permanently banning a parent(s)/guardian(s) from FYB.

E.      Appeal to any penalty imposed by FYB must be submitted in writing to the league commissioner for submission to FYB within 24 hours of notification that a penalty has been imposed.

XVIII.   Time outs

A.  Five timeouts per game, three 60-second time outs and two 30-second.

B. Overtime Games Feature One Additional 60-Second timeout.

 XIX.  Any activity by a coach, player or parent(s)/guardian(s) to circumvent the intent of the rules of FYB basketball, or the intent of the program to provide a fair and equal opportunity for all players, will be dealt with on an individual basis by the FYB Board of Directors. Any action by the Board will be limited only by its judgment in attempting to assure that, as far as possible, any affected team, league or age group has returned to as equal and competitive a level as possible. The Board of Directors will be the sole determiner of when and if any activity has occurred and to what extent, if any, the program has been affected. Should the Board determine that any actions, disciplinary or otherwise are required. Should the Board determine that any actions, disciplinary or otherwise are required, it will impose whatever penalties are necessary to maintain the integrity of Frenship Youth Basketball.


Adopted and Revised: 01/01/2025

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